5 Ways To Use Old Cell Phones

Do you have a collection of retired mobile phones? Are you wondering what you could possible do with them? Before you chuck them into the garbage can out of frustration, read on for 5 great ways to use your old cell phones.


Did you know that an average human produces 4 pounds of trash each and every day? This goes straight to the landfills. Recycling is a great way to decrease our trash footprint. You can recycle just about anything: plastics, papers, and metals. This applies to that old mobile phone sitting in that dusty shoebox in your closet. Recycle it!


Another great option to consider is to donate your cellular device to a company that can put it to good use. Donating saves people and businesses money. You can even donate to programs, shelters, or charities that provide donated phones to those in need, such as a deployed soldiers, the elderly or battered women and children.


If your mobile phone isn’t too old, consider making a little bit of money back by putting it on the market. There are plenty of people searching classified ads for a good deal. Price it right and you could be making money off of your old stock.

Part It

On the topic of selling, you also have the opportunity to part out your device and sell the parts to repair shops.

Make a Toy

Lastly, old cell phones make great toys for toddlers! Flip phones and slide phones are especially fun for them. Hand a child a phone and watch them mimic how to talk on a phone.

You old stash of mobile phones does not have to collect dust any longer! Recycling cell phones, donating, selling, parting, or making a toy out of it are all great ways to dispose of your old devices.

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